Shell Shockers Unblocked

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Shell Shockers Unblocked Game

"Shell Shockers" is a unique online multiplayer first-person shooter game where players take on the role of armed eggs. The objective is to eliminate opponents while trying to stay alive. Here's a basic guide to playing the game:

Choose your egg: Select an egg character to represent you in the game. Each egg has different abilities and weapons. Join a game: Enter a game lobby and join a match. You can play solo or join a team-based game. Gameplay: Once the game starts, move around the map using the WASD keys and aim with your mouse. Use the left mouse button to shoot and the right mouse button to aim down sights for better accuracy.

Eliminate opponents: Your goal is to eliminate as many opponents as possible while avoiding getting shot. Keep an eye on your health and ammo levels.

Collect power-ups: Look for power-ups scattered around the map. These can enhance your abilities or give you temporary advantages.

"Stay alive: Avoid enemy fire and use cover to protect yourself. Stay on the move to make yourself a harder target. Winning: The game ends when one team or player reaches the target score or survives the longest.